How to Track Inbound Links: A Comprehensive Guide

In the vast digital landscape, understanding how to track inbound links is crucial for website owners, marketers, and SEO enthusiasts. These backlinks play a pivotal role in determining your site’s authority and visibility. Let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore effective strategies, tools, and best practices for monitoring and optimizing inbound links.

What Are Inbound Links?

Inbound links, also known as backlinks, are hyperlinks from external websites that point to pages on your site. Search engines use these links to assess content relevance and determine the importance of your web pages. Imagine them as digital endorsements—when other sites link to your content, it signals that your information is valuable and trustworthy.

Importance of Inbound Links

  • SEO Boost: High-quality inbound links positively impact your site’s search engine rankings. Google and other search engines consider them as votes of confidence.
  • Traffic Generation: Backlinks drive organic traffic to your site. When users click on a link from another site, they land on your page, potentially becoming customers or readers.
  • Domain Authority: The more authoritative sites linking to you, the higher your domain authority. This metric influences your overall online reputation.

Finding Inbound Links

  • Use Link Explorer

( is a powerful tool for discovering inbound links. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Choose the Scope: Decide whether you want to analyze the root domain, subdomain, or a specific page.

2. Enter Your Site: Input your website URL and click “Analyze.”

3. Filter by Followed Links: Focus on followed links (those that pass authority). Explore the list sorted by Domain Authority (DA).

  • Monitor Brand Mentions

Search for unlinked brand mentions. These are instances where other websites mention your brand but haven’t linked to your site. Reach out to the site owners and kindly request a link. It’s a win-win, you get a backlink, and they enhance their content with a valuable resource.

  • Competitor Analysis

Learn from your competitors’ backlink strategies:

  • Tools: Use Ahrefs, SEMrush, or SE Ranking to explore your competitors’ backlinks.
  • Patterns: Identify linking patterns. Are they getting links from guest posts, directories, or industry-specific sites?
  • Inspiration : Adapt successful tactics while maintaining your unique approach.

Monitoring and Analyzing Backlinks

  1. Filter by Link Source

In Link Explorer, filter links by source. For example, find all links from a particular site. Consider metrics like Domain Authority (DA) or Page Authority (PA).

  1. Link Type & State
  • Distinguish between follow and nofollow links. Follow links pass authority, while nofollow links don’t.
  • Investigate lost links. Why did they disappear? Fix any issues to prevent further losses.
  1. More Information
  • Click the arrow button in the “More Info” column to view details about a specific link.
  • Understand when the link was first discovered and where it points on your site.

Creative Approaches to Link Tracking

  • Social Media Profiles

Use Google Analytics to track inbound links from social media profiles. Create trackable URLs for each profile. Monitor their performance separately.

Link Building Strategies

Effective link building involves more than just tracking existing links. Let’s explore some strategies to acquire new, high-quality backlinks:

  1. Guest Posting
  • What: Write valuable content for other websites in exchange for a link back to your site.
  • How: Identify relevant blogs or websites in your niche. Reach out to them with well-crafted guest post pitches.
  1. Broken Link Building
  • What: Find broken links on other websites and offer your content as a replacement.
  • How: Use tools like Check My Links or Broken Link Checker to identify broken links. Then, reach out to the site owner with a polite request to replace the broken link with yours.

Link Diversity

Diversifying your link profile is essential. Here’s why:

  • Natural Appearance: A diverse set of links (from different domains, types, and contexts) looks more natural to search engines.
  • Risk Mitigation: Relying solely on one type of link (e.g., guest posts) can be risky. Algorithm updates may impact specific link sources.
  1. Types of Links
  • Editorial Links: These are earned naturally due to the quality of your content.
  • Directory Links: Listings in relevant directories (e.g., industry-specific directories).
  • Forum and Community Links: Participate in forums and communities related to your niche.
  1. Contextual vs. Sitewide Links
  • Contextual: Links within the body of a page’s content.
  • Sitewide: Links that appear on every page of a site (e.g., footer or sidebar).


Inbound links are the lifeblood of SEO. By tracking and optimizing them, you enhance your site’s authority and visibility. Remember to maintain a natural link profile, stay informed about industry trends, and adapt your strategies. Curiosity and persistence pay off in the ever-evolving digital landscape!


Why am I not seeing expected links in Link Explorer? Troubleshoot using Moz’s guide or consider alternative tools.

How can I find follow links marked as lost? Investigate the reasons behind lost links (e.g., site changes, broken pages).

What’s the impact of broken links on SEO? Broken links harm user experience and may negatively affect rankings.